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Halo is an over-rated collection of first person shooters that were developed by Bungie to sell xbox consoles for microsoft. They have permanently damaged first person shooters for introducing tropes and ideas into shooters that are inherent to the limitations of their platforms.

Halo games are riddled with plot holes, limitations, restrictions, tropes, and inconsistencies that 343 didn't fix in the MCC because they're assholes.

Dedicated servers like the original Halo:CE PC release? Fuck you.

Forge limitations on PC that were intended for console? Fuck you.

Voids where you can fall to your death in MP or SP. Fuck you for not playing this before and not knowing where to jump to dodge enemy fire. We need to put holes in the maps we make to add more bullshit into this video game.

You're wearing a 1 ton exosuit/power armor thing that can survive re-entry through earth's atmosphere from orbit, but you can't sprint. Your two movement modes are sitting target and shambling penguin.

Halo MP players fall into two categories: Those who hardly/never played halo and picked up the MCC and are trying it out; players who have a 12 year doctorate in Halo and teach proper tea-bagging technique at the Microsoft Institute of Gaming.

Guns are everywhere! But only half of them use ammo so in order to refill the alien thing you have you have to stop, look down at the ground, and make sure you're in the right position to pick up the replacement you want that is next to that other weapon you don't want. Yea I got i-No fuck that was the pistol I don't want, I really needed ammo for that other thi-I'm dead.

The game literally fucks off to another desktop when alt tabbing so it looks like it disappears. The only program I have ever seen to be innately aware of multi-desktops and to actively use them when alt tabbing for no reason. How in the fuck did this even get past Q&A?

No option to return to main menu after completing a campaign mission. You must start the next mission and exit to return to the main menu. How in the fuck did this even get past Q&A?

Difficulty balancing is turning elites and brutes into bullet sponges and giving them cheating powers.

Dual wielding too hard to do in PC but they managed to pull it off as less experienced developers in the original Halo 2 on the xbox.

UE4 crashes.